Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Fashionably Ancient and Modern Studio Extension

 The weather was calm and cool and I couldn't resist extending my studio to the back of the living quarters. You can't compare the natural light outside with the subdued one inside the studio created with artificial light. I do hope these excite some curiosity or memory of some sort. Enjoy the ride.

Fashionably Ancient and Modern,
Acrylic on Canvas 39" x 29". 2020

Ball-point Pen Drawings - In the beginning

The journey of a lifetime always starts from somewhere. Its like the day a new life is born physically or spiritually and most importantly a creative endeavor, more like the beginning of my ball-point pen drawings.
It all started in 8th of July 1993 precisely. I needed to create sketches for a flute player and just picked up the available pen with me then. The result was astounding... prompted more research and practice that has never stopped challenging the unending possibility of a masterpiece. I kept on exploring the fluidity of the different types of brand of ball-point pen and papers available. The search continues. ho[e to post some of the early drawings in the nearest future. below are the drawings from a 1993 sketch pad

Portrait of the Gbagyi Woman

"Portrait of the Gbagyi Woman" The painting is the artist's synoptic portrait of a Gbagyi woman. 48" x 48" in size, ...