Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Transformation of Adire Eleko Motifs into Painting (Part 1)

Synopsis of recently concluded MFA degree program at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. (2015 - 2017). The study titled, Transformation of Yoruba Traditional Adire Eleko Motifs into Painting was inspired by the images of Yoruba traditional adire eleko motifs. Selected motifs were taken beyond fabric decorative elements through painterly analysis and exploration that climaxed into contemporary symbolic interpretations rendered in varied media. The findings and report revolved around the premise of embedded aesthetic qualities that the images of Yoruba traditional adire eleko motifs are endowed with. Data analysis exposed thirty-five cloth-designs of Yoruba traditional adire eleko, out of which Ibadan dun design was selected for preliminary studies of the embedded motifs.
Ibadan Dun Patterns, Ajayi Oluseyi,
Computer Enhanced Visual. 2015.
Twelve of the motifs were purposely selected for further exploration categorized into three stages: analytic, exploratory and stylistic.

Sketches, Man-made Images: Alagada; Ibo; Agboorun.
Down L to R: Opo Ile Mapo; Sokoto; Opon Iro. 'Seyi AJAYI. 2015.

Sketches, Natural Images: Pepeye; Aye-kooto; Tolotolo.
Down L to R: Alagemo; Ejo; Akeeke. 'Seyi AJAYI. 2015
The first category of work dwelt on painterly expressions of the clothing’s primary function and rendition of individual motif’s endowed elements.
‘Exposure’,  'Seyi AJAYI.
Acrylic on Canvas, 90 x 110cm. 2015.
‘Exposure’ is a representational painting that revolves around the role of adire eleko as aso-ebi (family cloth); reflection on a traditional rite in some part of Yoruba land such as Ijofin and Ago Sasa in Ogun State of Nigeria, where tradition demands that a newly wedded wife should visit the town and sweep places such as her in-law’s compound and the market place supported by some of her friends who are attired in aso-ebi with drummers playing along.

‘Dialogue’, 'Seyi AJAYI.
Acrylic on Canvas, 74.5 x 90cm. 2015.
‘Dialogue’ is a representational painting portraying adire eleko in domestic use. Apparently the subjects are on a trip to the stream for water but decided to sort out issues peculiar to women folk behind the huts.

Alagada’'Seyi AJAYI
Acrylic on Canvas. 61 x 61cm. 2015

The painting titled ‘Alagada’ was achieved with manipulation of two basic shapes; circle and quadrilateral, rendered with palette knife. It was an attempt at abstracted magnification of an otherwise simple design to create rhythmic shapes. The motif was traditionally created from an automobile’s radiator fan

Akekee’, 'Seyi AJAYI.
Oil on Canvas, 71 x 76cm, 2015.
The picture plane of ‘Akekee’ is predominantly blue. Orange, the complimentary of blue was chosen for the scorpion in the background of the composition to portrays the image emerging from the dark, peculiar to scorpion in the natural. 

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